How to Plan a Weekend Cruise?

Plan a Weekend Cruise

The world is a treasure house of marvels beyond your imagination decked up in nature’s boons and gems unimaginable. Crystal-clear oceans singing the tunes of harmony to you as you bask in the golden rays of the sun, waking up to the melodious chirping of birds unknown to you, discovering islands that are beyond majestic and coastlines lined with delicate yet monumental tropical trees that take your breath away and a weekend cruise that serves as an escape – isn’t this what life should be about?

Why do you need to plan a weekend cruise right away?

Allow yourself to take a break from your 9-5 responsibilities and plan a much-needed vacation. Here’s how you can do it best!

Perks of Planning a Weekend Cruise

Cruising is an experience that leaves you craving for more. The peace, the serenity, the scenic views – cruising is a must-have experience if you are looking to rejuvenate. Gift yourself the luxury to book a short yet exhilarating weekend cruise and refresh yourself before committing to another week of back-breaking tasks. Here’s why a weekend cruise is a perfect option when you are in desperate need of a vacation away from your daily routine:

  1. Perfect for someone who has time restrictions – Must attend work calls on Monday? Have responsibilities that you can’t shirk off? No worries! A weekend cruise is a perfect getaway for you.
  2. Increases productivity – As humans, we are wired to face burnouts. Revive your will to work by taking a couple of days off and rejuvenating by the ocean.
  3. You’ve never cruised before – Cruises are a once-in-a-lifetime experience and no one should go through life without experiencing it even once!

How to Plan the Weekend Cruise:

  1. Plan your expenses – Prepare a budget, list down the activities you want to indulge in, and list down a price bracket that you want to set for each of your expenses, like accommodation, food, adventure activities, individual sightseeing, etc.
  2. Pack the essentials – When on a cruise, your tan lines will be your best friend but too much sun can do you more harm than good. Make sure to pack your beach essentials – sunscreen, towels, swimwear, flip flops, sunglasses, a waterproof camera to capture marine life, and a dry bag for island tours.
  3. Make an itinerary – The worst mistake you could make is embark on a trip without an itinerary unless you are a solo traveller living the hippie life and exploring the place one day at a time. For those of you who are on a tight time frame, it’s best to make a list of all the places and activities you want to explore while on the cruise and make the most of it. Vacations come with a lot of tourist attractions and not planning your short weekend cruise beforehand can leave you biting off more than you can chew. Do your own research and see what the cruise you are boarding is famous for and find interesting activities onboard and on land.

So, what are you waiting for? Don’t let work commitments prevent you from living your best life when you can do both together! Plan the long overdue weekend cruise right away and experience beauty like never before.

Also Read: 5 cruise memories that will warm your heart

Image Source: master1305 at Freepik